Open or Closed

The human being seems closed, but is open to everything.
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This reflective documentary about human relationships, affectivity, and the possibility of letting the other inside us, represents a reality that many suffer from denying their authentic nature or not wanting to open up because of the challenging experiences of the past. To be sincere and natural with others or to be in tune with the essence that links us human beings has become quite a feat; as a result of the ruptures and complex experiences we have had with the people who have accompanied, formed, and educated us, we have ended up distanced from everyone and with a separatist, distant and indifferent attitude with almost everyone. Those who could currently give us the best and receive the best from us are left out, and we miss the fantastic opportunity to heal, reconcile, and love. The trauma of relationships infects the human condition. This wound affects us substantially daily, but that can be healed from a comprehension guided by consciousness, by the reconquest of sensitivity, which gradually leads us to LOVE.
This reflective documentary about human relationships, affectivity, and the possibility of letting the other inside us, represents a reality that many suffer from denying their authentic nature or not wanting to open up because of the challenging experiences of the past. To be sincere and natural with others or to be in tune with the essence that links us human beings has become quite a feat; as a result of the ruptures and complex experiences we have had with the people who have accompanied, formed, and educated us, we have ended up distanced from everyone and with a separatist, distant and indifferent attitude with almost everyone. Those who could currently give us the best and receive the best from us are left out, and we miss the fantastic opportunity to heal, reconcile, and love. The trauma of relationships infects the human condition. This wound affects us substantially daily, but that can be healed from a comprehension guided by consciousness, by the reconquest of sensitivity, which gradually leads us to LOVE.
  • Video time:  21 minutes

Course Lessons

Meet the Director

Alberto Varela

Screenwriter and director of audiovisuals. Founder of companies and organizations; creator of several schools of personal growth, original techniques and an innovative method of inner evolution. Author of several books. Self-taught student and researcher. More than 40 years of experience in the evolutionary journey of his own life led him to go through enriching situations that he shares as a treasure in the mystical retreats he conducts for BEYOND INNER, and in the audiovisual productions he directs for TRIANGULAR STREAMING CONSCIOUS.
Patrick Jones - Course author