"Every student can be his or her own master, 
and put themselves at the disposal and service of life".


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"Todo alumno puede ser dueño de sí mismo,
 y ponerse a disposición y al servicio de la vida"

Training for facilitators, doctors, psychologists and therapists in the preparation for integration into the Method of Inner Evolution, both to carry out a continuous process of personal deepening, as well as to be able to join our organisation and collaborate in the movement.

The main theme is THE CONSCIOUS USE OF EVERYTHING. From tools to words, from techniques to communication, from instruments to people, from knowledge to comprehensions. Knowing how to consciously use what we are and what we have from a place of power that flows from the Being, since it does not pretend to be the protagonist because it has renounced to want to be the centre of everything to offer its presence as part of the whole.

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These events are only available to students
of the Centre for Inner Evolution Studies.
Conoce al docente

Alberto Varela

Guionista y director de audiovisuales. Fundador de empresas y organizaciones; creador de diversas escuelas de crecimiento personal, de originales técnicas y de un método innovador en la evolución interior. Autor de varios libros. Estudiante e investigador autodidacta. Los más de 40 años experiencia en el recorrido evolutivo de su propia vida le llevó a atravesar situaciones enriquecedoras que comparte cual tesoro en los retiros místicos que realiza para BEYOND INNER, y en las producciones audiovisuales que dirige para TRIANGULAR STREAMING CONSCIENTE.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Conoce al docente

Alberto Varela

Scriptwriter and director of audiovisuals; founder of companies and organisations; creator of various schools of personal growth, original techniques and an innovative method of inner evolution. Author of several books; self-taught student and researcher; more than 40 years of experience in the evolutionary journey of his own life led him to go through enriching situations that he shares as a treasure in the mystical retreats he carries out for BEYOND INNER, and in the audiovisual productions he directs for TRIANGULAR CONSCIOUS STREAMING.
Patrick Jones - Course author