The Fabric of Love

Love is not a feeling but what unites us with everything.
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In 2019 we started with this audiovisual production that emerged from a talk by Alverto about Love, where an original and controversial idea was exposed, which inspired Gustavo, the creative director, to choose some of those key parts of the speech to make this production. It is a great challenge to talk about love, but it is much more confronting to question the meaning of love. This resignification of love opens a new space of comprehension about human relationships, consciousness, and life itself.
  • Video time:  10 minutes

Course Lessons

Meet the Director

Alberto Varela

Scriptwriter and director of audiovisuals; founder of companies and organisations; creator of various schools of personal growth, original techniques and an innovative method of inner evolution. Author of several books; self-taught student and researcher; more than 40 years of experience in the evolutionary journey of his own life led him to go through enriching situations that he shares as a treasure in the mystical retreats he carries out for BEYOND INNER, and in the audiovisual productions he directs for TRIANGULAR CONSCIOUS STREAMING.
Patrick Jones - Course author