What is the true direction of time?
A mystical approach to time that offers a new possibility for life.
This short film develops a poetic and challenging look at the phenomenon called RETROCAUSALITY, which in quantum physics means that what seems to be causal or accidental is not because just as there is causality, there is also retrocausality, which implies a visit from the future coming to create everything. The mystical look of retrocausality opens us to the arrival of something unimaginable. A script that invites us to enter the mystery of time, questioning its true direction, forward or backward? On the other hand, it shows how humanity, identified with any part, action, or thing, remains anchored to the past without being able to receive the greatness that the future wants to give it. All identification is posed as a reason for disconnection from the multiple possibilities of the future; by accumulating memories, the past acquires power. If identification is a self-reproduction of the past, it is also an impediment to connecting with the mystery that dwells in the future.
Video time: 23 minutes
Course Lessons
Meet the Director