Dialogue with Life
By releasing all debt, loyalties die, and gratitude is born.
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Inspired by Amado Nervo's poem "En Paz". It came into the director's life at a perfect moment, which led him to completely rethink the look and the conclusions he had drawn so far. A sensitive reflection that addresses the possibility of freeing ourselves from all debt. Through a reflective process guided by a conscience that knows how to show us the pureness of the facts, a retrospective look at life emerges, allowing us to enter a unique space of peace. When there are no more complaints to make to anyone or life, gratitude is born. When the moment comes to understand the perfection of all that has happened to us, genuine forgiveness arrives, and therefore also the liberation of all debts; this is how guilt and resentment die, preparing the way for a DIALOGUE WITH LIFE to emerge from the depths of our being, which produces a spontaneous reconciliation with ourselves and with all existence.
Video time: 24 minutes
Course Lessons
Meet the Director
Alberto Varela
Patrick Jones - Course author